What’s your favorite part of flying? I think mine would definitely have to be the part where I get to take off my shoes and walk through security scanners on a dirt-infested floor while getting scoped out by airport security in all of my full-frontal nude x-ray glory. No wait, maybe it’s the part where I get to take every item out of my luggage and reveal personal items that are usually reserved to top dresser drawers. Any way you look at it, airport security is no walk in a field of flowers and has definitely put a bad thought in every mind alike. At least serve complimentary cocktails while waiting in the never-ending line to humiliation; that may make things somewhat tolerable after realizing you just spent $75 on extra baggage fees. But do you think any of this extra security is actually helping us? Just the other day skycaps were fired from Miami International for letting bags by without going through security and without checking the luggage’s weight. Now I’m not a physics major, but I’m pretty sure weight and baggage play a big role in how a plane takes off and flies. And if I’m not mistaken weight and take-off were the same variables that played in the formula resulting in Aaliyah’s death via plane crash. How did the skycaps let baggage through without security or weight checking? I guess it’s the same question answered when you see that misfit in VIP at any club in South Beach. Slip the bouncer, in this case the skycap, a $20 and you, or your bags, can get in anywhere. It’s the Miami way. Click here for the article.