Some words gain popularity instantly. Others take time to become loved. What’s interesting is how the word "hot" can now mean "cool" and "cool" is "hot." Get it? It's the way we play with the English language to keep it fun and interesting. What I’m really trying to understand is how did the word douche become so notoriously popular? And why douche? Why not enema? Why do we use this word? Do the people saying it know what it means or what a douche looks like? A douche is a tool used to clean out vaginas. So how did the term become the slogan for a guy who acts like an ass? I mean if a guy is acting like a douche, then that would mean he's getting in somewhere…if you catch my drift. And how do you know when someone acts “douchey?” I’ve heard plenty times “this guy is a douche” or “don’t be such a douche,” but what constitutes a douche? It’s my first time posing a question to everyone out there. I am asking for enlightenment. I’m asking for opinions. I’m seeking out the douche. Thanks.
Personally having been reffered to as a douche many times (as insulting as the word may seem to the person conveying the message) I find it to be a term of endearment.. So in an attempt to answer your question of what constitutes a douche t...hese days? A male, who doesn't care nor is influenced by others and will do whatever it takes to reach their objectives (getting in there) as a douche would do. He won't settle for anything less than the best, will probably hurt others along the way, but his execution is so smooth that you won't notice until after the damage is done. Will probably offend you by HLS-ing (Habitually Line Stepping) all the time, but does it in such a charming way that you won't even be fussed. Has a keen sense of style and probably drives a BMW.. As your blog states "hot can now mean cool and cool is hot," it's all of a sudden appealing to be reffered to as a douche- so women everywhere please choose your words carefully when calling a dude a douche- he might think its a compliment. On that note- Let's have a toast!!