Rewind your memory bank a little and remember when you were just a little runt jumping up and down in a line waiting for the chance to sit on Santa’s lap. You knew that once you sat on his knee and told good old Saint Nick what you wanted for Christmas he would get the message and that exact gift would be in your grubby little hands on Christmas morning. The entire season revolved around your anticipation for that particular event where your prized possession was waiting for you under the Christmas tree. As we get older the anticipation for a present under the tree diminishes. We don’t look forward to Santa’s visit and we become overwhelmed with shopping and gift giving. Stressed out because you can never find the perfect gift and frustrated with the gifts received from people who think an air freshener or a Snuggie® is actually something you need, you realize this is not the same giddy feeling you use to have whenever December rolled around. We end up losing that feeling of anticipation, and when it’s all over you say to yourself “that was it?” while looking forward to New Years Eve parties and champagne. What we forget is all the little pleasures that get overlooked. The Christmas songs on the radio, the cool weather, the hot cocoa, the eggnog or coquito, the parties, the Christmas lights, the trees and ABC family specials are all little pleasures that are celebrated throughout the Christmas season and are sometimes overlooked when we are shopping and fighting over parking spots. Take a breathe of the cold air and absorb as many memories around you as you can during the season without being consumed by the consumption.
(Thanks Daddy)
I would say part of that feeling of Christmas and achieving that goal is also listening to the ones that make this time of year special. Maybe that feeling of Christmas is in giving and not receiving. But like you said, it's the little things that make this time of year special with the ones you choose to be with. Thats why I'll never regret investing a little extra in flying home for the holidays.