Just this morning while surfing the web, I stumbled upon some seriously disturbing news. Apparently Taco Bell’s ground beef is not really ground beef at all! Ok, I understand this is not really big news, and its “breaking news” level is along the same lines as a story about Lindsay Lohan getting arrested for public intoxication and going back to rehab. The part that disturbed me is the fact that the state of Alabama felt the need to hire a law firm and point out the untruths in Taco Bells meat advertising. Uh...thanks Alabama, but it seems as if it’s a little too late ya’ll. With documentaries and stories coming out from every direction exposing the American fast food industry’s food and advertising as deceptive and fake, who still believes in the wholesomeness and quality of this business? I guess Alabama feels hurt and duped by the fact they were being lied to all this time and needs to do something about it. Kind of like a girlfriend who finds out the love of her life has been lying to her for months straight; the only difference being she probably got over it and never hired a law firm to sue anybody. So how bad is it? Turns out the scrumptious mixture we know as Taco Bell meat has only 35% beef and 65% other ingredients. Ok. Thanks Alabama for pointing that out, but guess what? At 3AM chances are that the 1-mile line of cars leading to the Taco Bell pick up window will prove that no matter what the quality of meat is people are still going to be thinking outside the bun.
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