One of these states is not like the others. Which one could it be? Of course it’s Florida! According to
news reports yesterday it was snowing in 49 of our 50 states. The only state not wanting to play in the “me too” game is Florida. Oh well. Sorry guys! There goes one more reason to dislike us. Yes, we adopt every reject and mentally insane person all other states reject, we can’t count votes for anything and we have continuously sunny weather. Hate us. But wait! Didn’t it snow in Miami during the mid-80s you may ask? Some do believe this actually happened, but for everyone else it was confirmed that a plane of cocaine was flying over the city and has sprinkled white powder along the coast of South Florida. Sorry to burst everyone’s bubble. I was told that story many times as a young child too, as well as the story of the Dolphins’ perfect season. There’s always hope and if we wish hard enough it may happen again…for the Dolphins.
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