Everyone loves to talk about how their town has the worst drivers. I have never heard a city congratulate itself on having the best drivers in the country. So I think it’s pretty much safe to say there are bad drivers EVERYWHERE. Starting today and continuing every Wednesday I will illustrate a different type of horrible driver. I’m sure these are drivers that everyone can relate to and hopefully you are not one of them. My first post goes out to the driver who doesn’t acknowledge the left hand lane. When you are on a highway, the left hand lane is reserved for the faster cars or passing and not as another lane option to cruise at 50MPH. I know what you’re going to say, the speed limit says 65MPH, therefore I am going the speed limit. This may be true for the right hand lane where the speed limit is enforced, however in the left hand lane the speed limit is just a suggestion. Please keep these rules under consideration should you feel the need to veer off into the left hand lane while steadily cruising at 60MPH.
When i drive to and from work, i will usually drive just under 80mph, and STILL i have all these cars tailgating me in the fast lane. how fast do i have to drive before I can stop weaving in and out of the left lane? It gets annoying to keep switching to the slow lane and slow down to 60 each time to let impatient BMW/AUDI drivers pass, while chatting away on their phones. I get so irritated, that I will intentionally speed up/slow down to screw them when they try to pass me. I don't do this all the time, as a matter of fact, if i ever see one of them use a signal to change lanes, I am more than happy to get out of their way, or slow down and let them in front of me, but i can't stand people risking the lives of everyone around them, just so they can advance 1 car in heavy traffic. The proper way to pass when trailing from behind is to give a quick high beam flash and stay a couple of car lengths behind intul the driver can safely move his or her vehicle over. Driving 8 inches behind someone doing 85mph is just plain stupid.