It happens to everyone. We don’t look forward to it, but we know it will happen sooner or later when we are driving on the highway. It’s the accident on the side of the road. No one likes to be in the congestion let alone be a part of it. However it is inevitable that the effect of a highway bumper buster will be the closing of a lane, forcing two lanes to merge. A simple social theory has been tested that states when two lanes merge, no matter what lane you are a part of, you acknowledge the zipper effect. The zipper effect is a practice done when one car goes ahead from one lane and the second car proceeds from the second lane. You let one person through, then you go through. We may not have been raised the same way, we may disagree on beliefs, we may side with different end of the political spectrum, but one thing we all can agree on is the zipper effect. In situations like the one mentioned, it works. This entry is dedicated to the person who bypasses what is right and does not acknowledge the zipper effect. You may not know this, but by skipping your turn or pushing your car through the process, you are secretly loathed by all of your peer drivers. Take this into consideration next time you find yourself in that situation and act accordingly. The drivers will thank you.
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