Happy New Year!!! It’s a brand new year and a brand new look on life. Well, not necessarily brand new, but I am set to change the world. Not every aspect of the world, but at least the way America pronounces the New Year. After 1999 we had the years 2000-2009 and pronounced them “two-thousand” through “two-thousand and nine.” But now that we are getting up there in years, it is my resolution and responsibility to tell people the proper way to pronounce the new year. It is not going to be “two-thousand and eleven” it is now pronounced “twenty-eleven” in order to conform to the previous naming convention used for earlier years like “nineteen ninety-seven” not “one-thousand nine-hundred and ninety seven.” So next time you hear someone pronounce our new year as “two-thousand eleven” take them aside (so as not to embarrass them) and explain to them the proper way to pronounce the new year. Trust me, they will be extremely thankful. Not only are you helping them out from ever sounding like an ass again, but also you are doing your duty as an educated individual to share the knowledge. Please take this into consideration and remember its pronounced 2011. Happy New Year!
but two-thousand eleven is my favorite number!