Ladies-imagine seeing a beautiful girl walking by. Her hair is absolutely shiny and perfect as it sways in the wind. It practically dances with every ever-so slight bouncing step this beautiful stranger makes. You think to yourself “I would DIE” for that hair. It’s kind of sad that this phrase is not too far from reality. Apparently there’s this thing called a Brazilian Blowout that can cause some serious harm to your body. The chemicals used to straighten hair and create a beautiful shine can also give you flu-like systems (chest pains and sore throats). The main culprit is the formaldehyde used in the treatment. I just say be weary of any new Brazilian fad coming out. Brazilian jeans gave young girls a 30-year-old beer gut look, Brazilian waxes, according to my doctor, give a whole new respect to gynecology considering how intrusive the whole process is and now Brazilian blowouts are making women sick. Let’s just say we admire the Brazilian models and not look like them…In honor of that I’ve attached a photo of Brazilian Victoria Secret model Adriana Lima. Here’s the article from NPR.
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